Monday, July 21


To save time, you can cook a bunch of bacon and then keep it in the fridge. When you want to use it, put it on a paper towel in the microwave for 30-45 seconds, depending on how crispy you want it. The microwave will cook the bacon more if you keep it in longer. I cook three pounds at a time (I get it at Sam's Club that way) on a couple cookie sheets in the oven, and then store it in the fridge in a Ziploc bag. I'll use a couple pieces at a time for breakfast burritos and sandwiches. Enjoy "fresh" bacon all week long without the hassle of cooking it every day!

1 comment:

Steph said...

thanks for the tip. I sometimes buy the ready to eat bacon, but it's expensive. Buying regular and cooking it all at once in the oven is something I've never thought of. That will save me some money.