Friday, July 11

Homemade Liquid Soap

In my internet wanderings, I stumbled across a blog that shared how to make your own liquid soap. I haven't tried it yet, but thought I'd put it here. I imagine this soap solution could be made to work in a foaming dispenser as well.


  • 4 oz. bar of natural soap
  • Grater
  • 1 gallon of distilled water
  • 1 big pot
  • Hand mixer

Here are the steps, summarized from Suite 101:

  1. Grate your bar of soap.
  2. Heat the water just enough to steam.
  3. Add the grated soap to the water.
  4. Take the mixture off of the heat, and let it sit for 15 minutes.
  5. Blend the mixture, with a hand mixer if you have one.
  6. Let it sit overnight.
  7. Make sure the mixture is completely blended. If not, blend again, and let it sit. Then, blend again.
  8. Pour it into an olive oil bottle and wash your hands!
Taken from CasaSugar

The Suite 101 link goes into detail how you can personalize your liquid soap as well as some other uses for it. I found it interesting. Check it out!

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