Friday, August 22

Cleaning Products

Is there one cleaning product that you can't live without? Is there something you have found that goes everywhere and does everything? What do you do to help trim time off of your daily cleaning?


Amy Lou said...

I just simply love an all purpose spray...I like Spic n Span...if I can find it. And I can always find it at the Dollar Store. I can do kitchen counters or kitchen sink or garbage can or bathroom maintenance. It's handy when it is just run through the bathrooms and do some maintenance instead of always bringing out the heavy artillary needed on the once a week or every two depending on how often you maintain.:)
But I keep in on the counter and I can grab it quick and grab paper towel or a sponge and I'm on my way. I even use it to wipe down my washer and dryer...sometimes I just use glass cleaner for that. I love my all purpose spray. I also love all purpose wipes. They are handy to keep under bathroom sinks for special occasions.

handygal said...

I love Awesome cleaner from the dollar store. It does everything. And it is highly concentrated so it streches.

Anonymous said...

Vinegar. Its cheap, non-toxic and cleans/disinfects everything. Just put it in a spray bottle and use around the house. I even use it with my carpet cleaner instead of solutions. You can also use hydrogen peroxide-also non-toxic and cheap.